Good Byes And New Beginnings

I really should be cleaning right now but felt a bit of the Little Miss Posty Pants syndrome coming on.

On the good-bye front, Jenna of Stardust Cosmetics has decided not to return to the mineral makeup world for the foreseeable future.  This makes me sad because I loved her makeup and I felt confident that Jenna was looking out for her clients best interests, regarding ingredients and such.   Kristen of Aromaleigh has decided to stop making her foundations and lippies which makes me sad because they are so many people’s holy grail products and it’s daunting to start the task of finding a new one.   Kind of like losing a favorite hair dresser.   It’s scary finding a new one!

I wish both of these women the best life has to offer and I selfishly hope both of them continue to craft cosmetics because they are both extraordinary at it.

On the new beginnings front, I’ve got a new photo to share!    A bit of history first though.    All my wedding photos suck because Mr. McNaughty passed a kidney stone on our wedding day.  That’s right, a freaking kidney stone.    We spent almost six hours at the emergency room and he refused to let me cancel the wedding.  The doctor loaded him up with Dilauded and he toughed it out.  In fact, the very moment he said, “I do”, he passed the stone.  True story.

The reason he wouldn’t let me cancel the ceremony was because the date we picked was very special.    We chose the date because it was his mom’s parents 55th wedding anniversary and they were there to attend the wedding.   Any other day just wouldn’t have been the same and we were so very fortunate to have our family there to celebrate with us.    Looking back, the date was more important than we ever could have known because both Grandma and Grandpa were gone the next year.   We get to celebrate their lives each time we celebrate our wedding anniversary.

Anyhoo, needless to say all the wedding photos sucked donkey balls.  Poor Mr.McNaughty was in terrible pain and we had to position his brother, who was his best man behind him so he could catch him in case he fell down.  He made it through the ceremony but the photos are actually really funny to look at now!   One of my bestest friends, Matt The Photographer took a photo of us at his house warming and I love it.  I wish our wedding photos had been this beautiful!

Published by Hottie McNaughty

Hottie was a local burlesque performer and producer in the Seattle area. She now spends her day rallying for pet health insurance and here evenings running The Rhinestone Housewife.

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